Van der Waals force-induced loading of proangiogenic nanoparticles on microbubbles for enhanced neovascularization.
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Functionalized Ultrathin Palladium Nanosheets as Patches for HepG2 Cancer Cells
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Hydrophilic Packaging of Iron Oxide Nanoclusters for Highly Sensitive Imaging
Smith, C.E., Ernenwein, D., Shkumatov, A., Clay, N., Lee, J., Melhem, M., Misra, S., Zimmerman, S.C. Kong, H.J.
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In situ assembly of the collagen-polyacrylamide interpenetrating network hydrogel: Enabling decoupled control of stiffness and degree of swelling.
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Water-Hydrogel Binding Affinity Modulates Freeze-Drying Induced Micropore Architecture and Skeletal Myotube Formation
Rich, M., Lee, M.K., Marshall, N., Clay, N., Chen, J., Mahmassani, Z., Boppart, M., Kong, H.J.
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Poly (ethylene glycol)-Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) Core-Shell Microspheres with Enhanced Controllability of Drug Encapsulation and Release Rate.
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A bio-inspired, microchanneled hydrogel with controlled spacing of cell adhesion ligands regulates 3D spatial organization of cells and tissue
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Bioinspired tuning of hydrogel permeability-rigidity dependency for 3D cell culture.
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Bacterium-Mimicking nanoparticle surface functionalization with targeting motifs.
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Matrix stiffness-modulated proliferation and secretory function of the airway smooth muscle cells.
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Non-Spherical Particles for Targeted Drug Delivery.
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Glacier moraine formation-mimicking colloidal particle assembly in microchanneled, bioactive hydrogel for guided vascular network construction.
Lee, M.K., Rich, M.H., Shkumatov, A., Jeong, J.H., Boppart, M.D., Bashir, R., Lee, J. & Kong, H.J.
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